Big Ideas: Social Studies & Science


Heritage and Citizenship: Relationships, Rules and Responsibilities
• Significant relationships
• Rules and responsibilities associated with people, places, and events in their lives and communities
• Rules people follow in daily life
• Responsibilities of family members and other people in their school and community
• How and why relationships, rules, and responsibilities may change over time, and in different places

Canada and World Connections: The Local Community
• Communities consist of various physical features and community facilities that meet human needs
• Distinguishing physical features and community facilities in their area
• How people in the community interact with each other and the physical environment to meet human needs.


Life Systems: Needs and Characteristics and needs of living things
• Living things grow, take in food to create energy, make waste, and reproduce.
• Plants and animals, including people, are living things.
• Living things have basic needs (air, water, food, and shelter) that are met from the environment.
• Different kinds of living things behave in different ways.
• All living things are important and should be treated with care and respect.

Earth and Space Systems: Daily and Seasonal Cycles
• Changes occur in daily and seasonal cycles
• Changes in daily and seasonal cycles affect living things

Structures and Mechanisms: Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures
• Objects have observable characteristics and are made from materials.
• Materials have specific properties.
• An object is held together by its structure.
• The materials and structure of an object determine its purpose.
• Humans make choices related to their use of objects and materials that have a direct effect on the environment.

Matter and Energy: Energy in Our Lives
• Everything that happens is a result of using some form of energy
• The sun is the principal source of energy for the earth.
• Humans need to be responsible for the way in which we use energy.